26 June 2024

Milo joined YMCA Key College after realising he had a huge passion for cooking, he has always enjoyed cooking with his mother who is a chef.

Milo found school very difficult and struggled with his teachers. He felt he wasn’t very understood. Milo left school at 14 and enrolled into a pre-16 course at Derby College.

Before enrolling on the hospitality and catering course, Milo was in Derby County academy playing football. After giving it a good go, Milo realised it wasn’t right for him and mentally he needed to find something else.

After taking a 2-3 month break from education to look for different options and providers, Milo spoke with his sister who had previously been on a course at YMCA Key College. He decided to enrol on hospitality and catering level 1 to pursue his passion for cooking.

Milo’s favourite things about YMCA Key College are how down to earth the staff are and how they are extremely relatable. He feels the staff want to help him further his skills and are always approachable. Milo is often talking to staff about different ideas.

“Key College has changed my life for the good, I am such a different person. I feel a lot more confident as a person and in the kitchen.”

To anyone considering going to YMCA Key College:

“If you find a course you are interested in, try it out. You will gain so many including life skills to help you out on your journey.”

Milo’s hopes for the future are to teach hospitality and catering. He is very eager to learn about different teaching styles and the best way to adapt to how students like to work.

Milo has crafted a menu for an external charity which delivers a monthly community meal for their local community members. He really enjoys preparing all the food and then seeing the community members enjoy it.

Since being at YMCA Key College, Milo has secured himself a part-time job with a small business who is also a tenant at marble hall. He does various jobs such as stock checking, inventory updates, website changes and working directly with customers.