YMCA Derbyshire aims to guide our service users to understand others, to promote common values and to value diversity, to promote awareness of human rights and of the responsibility to uphold and defend them, and to develop the skills of participation and responsible action. We take extremely seriously our key roles in preparing all our young people for life in modern Britain.

We aim to encourage working towards a society with a common vision and sense of belonging by all. Communities; a society in which the diversity of people’s backgrounds and circumstances is appreciated and valued; a society in which similar life opportunities are available to all; and a society in which strong and positive relationships exist and continue to be developed in the workplace, in education and in the wider community.

Safeguarding & PREVENT

If you study with us or your child studies with us and you have any safeguarding concerns, you can contact the YMCA Derbyshire Safeguarding Team by emailing training@ymcaderbyshire.org.uk.

The current threat from Terrorism and Extremism in the United Kingdom is real and severe and can involve the exploitation of vulnerable people, including children and young people.

Prevent is one part of the government’s overall counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST. The aim of Prevent is to:

tackle the causes of radicalisation
respond to the challenges that terrorist ideology may present
safeguard and support those most at risk of radicalisation through early intervention
support those who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

If you need to speak to someone about radicalisation or extremism, you can:

Call 999 or the police anti-terrorist hotline on 0800 789 321 to report an immediate threat to life or property.

Please click the button below to read our policy that supports the national Prevent strategy. If you study with us or your child studies with us and you have any PREVENT concerns, you can contact the YMCA Derbyshire Safeguarding Team by emailing training@ymcaderbyshire.org.uk. Our Safeguarding policy is also available to view by clicking the button below.

Learner Welfare and Support 

YMCA Key College helps learners to achieve qualifications as well as supporting them to raise their aspirations and self-esteem by developing employability, self-awareness and life skills. We ensure that every learner is supported to achieve their full potential throughout their programme of study to achieve their learning aims and progression goals.

There are many ways that we do this including but not limited to;

  • Attendance and punctuality monitoring
  • Tutorial and learner review support
  • Access to learner Bursaries
  • Providing sound careers advice and guidance
  • Offering a programme of enrichments
  • Intranet system for supporting learners outside of college hours.
  • Learner handbook
  • Access to on-site psychotherapist for learners who need additional support
  • Targeted support for young people.

Our learner support and welfare policy and procedure can be found here, which details how we achieve this.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy 2023.


YMCA Derbyshire develops environments where we treat people as individuals, fairly and in a consistent way. Please click here to read our policy that supports the practice of the Equality Act 2010 by promoting a culture of dignity and respect and actively challenging discrimination, should it ever arise.

Health and Safety

YMCA Derbyshire accepts unreservedly the aims and provisions of the Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 (“the Act”) and any additions or amendments to it, and seeks to enlist the support of all its employees towards achieving these ends. Please click here to read our policy.


YMCA Derbyshire recognises the need for a fair, accessible, open and accountable process that encourages clients and others to make their views known, to make complaints which will be taken seriously and for a process that facilitates a timely response leading wherever possible to a satisfactory resolution. Please click here to view our complaints policy.

Remote learning policy

Our remote learning policy supports our remote learning offer.

IAG policy

It is our aim at Key College that students of all ages and abilities have access to impartial careers information, advice, and guidance (IAG) that is appropriate and meaningful. We aim to provide students with opportunities and encounters that develop their knowledge, skill sets and independence to enable them to make informed, and ultimately, successful choices for their future development. We aim for students to take a leading role in their own development and strive to support students to pursue their own career choices. By these means we aim to increase the individual’s chances of leading a happy and fulfilled working life, while contributing their skills to the health of the economy and of society.

Data Retention Procedure

Data Protection Policy


YMCA Key College are proud to be an Ofsted regulated training provider. To view our latest Ofsted report please click here.