27 April 2022

Tyler and Charley came to YMCA Key College after finding their previous course at a different college unsuitable. They are known as ‘the twins” as they are best friends and always together. 

They are 6 months into their Retail course, which they are really enjoying. As part of the course YMCA Key College includes a L1 qualification in Maths and English. 

Tyler said. “I have learnt more Maths in the last 3 months here, than the 5 years I did at Secondary School! In the future I’d like to become a bus driver.”

Charley said, “When I first started here, I was nervous, but one of the tutors took time to talk to me about how I was feeling. After the first break I felt calmer and able to chat to other classmates.

All the staff here are lovely and supportive – everyone puts your mental health first. With the skills I have learnt so far in retail and customer services, there are loads of different jobs I could apply for.”