YMCA Key College
September 2023
YMCA Key College has been awarded funding under the 16-19 Tuition Fund. The purpose of this statement is to outline how YMCA Key College is using its allocation from the 16 to 19 Tuition Fund. The purpose of the funding is the provision of extra support to students of 16 to 19 years of age (or up to 24 with an EHCP) with low prior attainment in English or mathematics in Year 11, or from economically disadvantaged areas, whose education was disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The allocation is being used to fund additional tuition from experienced tutors and the Learner Support Assistant who are providing highly differentiated delivery of mathematics and English to groups of 5 eligible students. The tuition sessions are being delivered face to face with the students being on site, unless developments in the pandemic necessitate remote delivery.
All tuition is additional to the main 2023/24 Study Programme delivery, which already gives coverage of Functional Skills and GCSE re-sit preparation as an integral part of the vocational programmes. The Tuition Fund tuition includes:
- Separate small group teaching or small group workshops for the eligible students
- Small group revision sessions in Maths and English for eligible students close to exams
- Individual tailored support for each eligible student.
All Tuition Fund activity is individually timetabled for the eligible students and a separate register is taken for all activities.
Eligible 2023/24-funded students are identified at induction, which occurs throughout the year, based on the Prior Learning Record or the ranking of the Office for National Statistics Lower-layer Super Output Areas (LSOA) for the postcode at enrolment in Indices of Multiple Deprivation 2019 as relevant. Those with Grade 3 or lower in one or both of mathematics of English at GCSE in Year 11, and those from the 27 % most deprived LSOAs are given priority over those with a Grade 4 in both subjects coming from the 73 % least deprived LSOAs. In the event that there were students inducted who had achieved Grades 5 or higher in both subjects and were also from the 73 % least deprived LSOAs, such students will be ineligible for the tuition and would not be timetabled to a Tuition Fund group.
Key College undertakes to identify the needs of each student clearly and accurately, spend the funding to deliver the tuition in the 2023/24 academic year, notify the ESFA of any year-end underspend and monitor the impact that the tuition has on our students.
*Where appropriate the funding will be used to support learners with EHCP’s to access additional well being support.*